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Matt Groening About Frank Zappa

Frank Simpson
"Americans are really suspicious of anything cerebral, and Zappa didn't disguise his intelligence well enough. In addition to being a man of wide-ranging talent, one amazing thing that always struck me about Frank was his melodic dimension ... Frank Zappa was my Elvis. His example encouraged me, made me feel it OK to go my own way, to not do things the way the authorities told me to. One of the things that impressed me was that he didn't allow anything to be beyond him, high culture or low culture. As soon as Bart Simpson is able to shave, he'll have a moustache and goatee just like Frank Zappa."
— Matt Groening in "Guitar Players Presents", 1992.

"American culture has a lot of great moustaches in its history. Mark Twain had a great moustache, Charlie Chaplin, Ben Turpin ... but Zappa, he's got the best moustache in American history. Got the moustache, right, and he's got that little thing on his chin, I think it's called an imperial, that is, like, the coolest thing. That's like one of the great icons of the twentieth century."
— Matt Groening, BBC Television Zappa Tribute.

"The amazing thing about Freak Out! was that there was nothing quite like it in rock 'n roll at the time. It was really simultaneously crude and ugly, and incredibly sophisticated. The Beatles were funny, but there was nothing with the kind of sneer that you could feel in the music of Frank Zappa."
— Matt Groening, BBC Television Zappa Tribute.

"With its angular melodies, quick change rhythms, and eccentric arrangements, Hot Rats basically invented that peculiar musical genre known as fusion."
— Matt Groening, Introduction to Frank Zappa: Hot Rats (Guitar TAB).
Matt Groening About Frank Zappa Matt Groening About Frank Zappa Reviewed by frank zappa newspaper on 12:31 Rating: 5

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